Category: News & Current Affairs

Marijuana: To legalize or not, that is the question

Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine and the DPH conspired to coverup for the AG the killing of a Trooper. Summary:How a corrupt medical marijuana program killed a Massachusetts State Trooper and destroyed a Physician’s life. How Medical marijuana and a corrupt government killed a Massachusetts State Trooper and destroyed […]

National Radio Program Proves The Existence of Life After Death

The number one reason why [this show] was created was the hope that it could offer people experiencing bereavement some measure of peace or consolation. Summary:Features Thirty-One Leading Psychologists, Doctors, Psychic Mediums, Scientists, NDE Survivors, Spiritual Teachers & Atheists National Radio Program Proves The Existence of Life After Death Show […]

VirtualTone Communication Solutions Introduces our new VTONE FIREWALL

“We live and work in a digital world,” says Jay Gubert, Vice-President of VirtualTone. “Many companies run their business from mobile devices. Social networks, cloud-based applications, and intrusions mean that securing their business is crucial. Companies may deal with outside attacks or their own employees may unknowingly threaten the company […]