“If you are Christ’s, you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (of land), Galatians 3:29 The Jewish right to Jerusalem is soon to be revoked, based on Jewish prophets Daniel and Zechariah. Millions of Jews were wondering if 2017 would be a jubilee echo of the Balfour […]
US Police State Over Vaccinations; New HHS Czar Favors Pharma
“Nature heals…Let your food be your medicine.” Hippocrates, Father of Medicine We are losing our freedom over healthcare issues. California Mother Harassed by Police Asking If Her Children Were Vaccinated made headlines as President Trump appointed pro-vaccine, big pharma executive to head HHS Dr. Ben Carson said Obamacare is the […]
NBC Reports 50 Workers Fired For Refusing Flu Shot In Spite Of “Ineffective” Data
“An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of no-cure pharmaceuticals” Dr. Richard Ruhling Flu shots are ineffective; boosting the body’s defenses is a key to prevention. “Why not sue the hospital?” asks Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired physician whose 40-year practice of medicine was not inhibited by his getting […]
Thanksgiving Concern: Can God Bless America? Vote Yes & Get a Gift Ebook to Discover His Rescue Plan
“Righteousness exalts a nation.” A Proverb from Solomon, Israel’s wisest king. Millions are concerned for America, but do not see what may be coming. Our pioneers who celebrated Thanksgiving with native Americans centuries ago gave credit to God of the Bible for this great land and it offers insight for […]
Recommendations for Drug Treatment of 130/80 (Normal) Blood Pressure Are Not Good
“Let your food be your medicine.” Hippocrates “Let the buyer beware” might be a better slogan than “Ask your doctor.” “Six facts should caution patients re new ‘guidelines’ for MDs to prescribe their drugs” (Washington Post, 11-13-17) says Richard Ruhling, a retired physician who was board-certified in internal medicine […]
Deadly Combo: Caffeine, Violent TV or Video Games & Prescription Drugs, Says MD
“The confused systems of our society are suicidal, but we don’t have to participate..” Dr. Richard Ruhling Mixing gateway drugs like caffeine and alcohol, with TV or video violence and Rx drugs is a prescription for disaster. “Isn’t it time for parents, teachers, and the medical profession to recognize mounting […]
Pope Wants Change on Death Penalty – a Fulfillment of Prophecy?
“Babylon is fallen…come out of her, My people.” Revelation 18 addresses a confusion of false systems for government, education, healthcare and religion. Papal changes to biblical law is nothing new and this month we celebrate the healing of a deadly wound between Catholics and Lutherans, also a fulfillment of prophecy. […]